
The premise of the Olympic Games is the spirit of competition. In its first weekend, the games are alive now and in full swing.

I’m a sucker for Olympic Swimming. I don’t know why. I was a competitive swimmer briefly as a kid. I am a total water dog. I never watch swimming unless the games are on. It’s compelling stuff. Simone Biles is back, and she’s such an elite athlete and a lot of fun to watch. I think hoops will be fascinating as well. On the women’s side, it will be great to see the US Women’s squad beat the living crap out of everyone. As TJ mentioned last week, they are head and shoulders above everyone else. On the men’s side, the rest of the world has gotten miles better, and I think it makes for a compelling watch. I also love watching water polo, handball, golf, and beach volleyball. 

There’s something that’s really getting under my skin though. The games are now about 72 hours in. All I have seen for that time period on ‘X’, is incessant whining from the offended by the air crowd. 

Your political views don’t belong in the Olympics. Most of the athletes in the games are amateur athletes. Some of which have busted their respective asses for years, even their entire life to get to this moment. They don’t care about your political views and what offends you.

In fact, as the wisest man I’ve known would say “Your politics don’t belong in bars”, and they damn sure don’t belong in sports. They especially don’t belong in this setting.

You’re offended by who, what, how, when, and where in the opening ceremonies. Here’s the cool part. Turn it off if you are. Stop watching and crying. Power off buttons are universal, in any language.

There’s more of us than you that watch the Olympics for the spirit of the game. Sports in general. Sports are a release. They are a way to bring people together. They’re not a pulpit for you to spew your political vomit all over.

How you’re feeling that you’re politically wronged by an opening ceremony shows who you actually are. Nothing more than an incessant whine bag that’s mad at life. The same people that are offended when someone says the sky is blue. You cry and respond with, “No it’s not, it’s Cerulean.”

You want to play Captain America, but your ass sits on the couch, with your backwards hat on, in your mom’s basement asking for grape soda and screaming for more meatloaf when the National Anthem is played.

The Olympics are about sacrifice, dedication, determination. Pride and effort. 

On that podium, none of the amazing, world class athletes that have busted their asses care about your stance, your side, or senate bill 6969 on docket 420.

You’re surely entitled to your rights and opinions. Those of us who care, the athletes that work hard to get here, don’t want to hear your garbage. 

Go take your grudges out on your HOA’s and PTA’s–not those of us that love the world’s greatest equalizer…sports. 

Like a jalapeño crepe with a raspberry poblano glaze, chased with a shot of fireball, your political agenda doesn’t belong in sports. However, when we open the first Mike Arana Show sports bar, grilled wings with a raspberry poblano glaze might definitely be on the menu. We will skip the jalapeno crepes though. Just like we will skip your political crying.

To the world class athletes that are already doing amazing things and those who will when they get their chance, thank you from all of us that love the games, the spirit of competition, and the stories that come with them.

To the rest of you? Oui Oui! It’s French for STFU.

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A Bay area transplant to the Desert Southwest, Mike spent two tours at the acclaimed Academy of Radio & TV Broadcasting. You have heard Mike throughout the valley over the years in the morning on KDUS, Evenings on KMYL, as the radio voice of the GBL Mesa Miners as well as a fill-in host on KXPS in Palm Springs.